Talking to Nancy about her community involvements, from taking studies for a career in social work to working at the local food bank and discussing the services that they offer as well as talking about some of her experiences working with persons in need. We then move on to talk about stories that her parents have shared with her on how they immigrated (fled) to Canada from Vietnam by way of Indonesia during the mid-1980s and what life was like when travelling by boat to a foreign land to a safer place. She also shares how her parents met during this time. She uses the term 'boat people' and we talk about what that really means in this situation.
Nancy also shares stories that her grandmother has told her about life in Vietnam during the infamous war in the 1960s, and how the country was before and how it had changed forever after the war. And finally, we take on the hot topic of Nancy checking out this podcast for the first time to get a feel for it - which episode was her favorite???
I hope you enjoy this episode, Nancy spoke of a lot of topics that really interested me as a fan of history and historical time periods. I hope you get some great insight from her conversation as I did. And remember - Donate to your local food bank today - everything we do helps!