Along with Unpaid Promoter Maryse, we visited a couple of folks in La municipalité de la Nation Municipality in Plantagenet Ontario Canada and we met with Rachel Blaquiere and Jacques Groulx who have this hauntingly striking cavalcade of characters all displayed on thier property. Because you can't Trick Or Treat in 2020, have a visit to this spot in the Nation Region (20 minutes east of Rockland Ontario) and if you can't, then have a listen to our chat with Jacques and Rachelle right here and now, and be sure to have a look at some video shot by Maryse of me wandering around the property getting freaked out by all the wonders I see! Available on the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast Facebook Page link below:
Video Tour:
Music featured on this episode (intro) by Matthew Johnston
This week's Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast guest is former The Action vocalist Ted Axe as we hear all about him being a part of Ottawa, Ontario Canada's premier punk band back in 1977 with their hit song "TVs on the Blink" as well as what he is up to now with his solo band. Sadly, this episode was cut short due to some technical issues on my end however I hope to get a follow up with the Axe Man as soon as possible. In the meantime please follow the link below to hear his new music and more about his band's and some big name artists that he has toured with.
Ted Axe on Bandcamp:
Ted Axe Fangs Group on Facebook:
Music featured on this episode (intro) by Matthew Johnston