This first installment of an on-going series of Prime Cuts episodes features best of clips selected from the most downloaded episodes of all time up to the week of June 25th, 2018.
I do a Top 5 Countdown of the best of all time so far and share some insight as always into the episodes and my 'just ok' life!
Bernie Taylor. Is he an author, a teacher, a scientist? When you ask him, he'll tell you that he sees himself as a naturalist
Bernie is my guest this week, and he is the author of the books Before Orion Finding The Face of the Hero and Biological Time. We discuss both books, the origins of why he wrote them, and their content. We dig deeper into his Before Orion book, based upon exploring the hero’s journey of self-awareness, mythology and record of biological knowledge through Paleolithic cave art as well as where he became interested in the subject and how it became his life's work.
We talk about Paleolithic images made over 34,000 years ago and how 'nobodies' might have made these original drawings but we will never know who they were, but they have done something that people still discuss and research today. Nobodies became Somebodies, even thousands of years ago!
We also talk a little bit of the history and Bernie's interest in Pablo Picasso and his works.
Below are some links about the work of Bernie Taylor:
Biological Time on Amazon:
Before Orion Facebook Page:
Before Orion:
In this Part II with Andy Barker, we get the full story on Andy's father's medical emergency, right down to what exactly was happening with him, how close he was to death and how he was able to make a recovery thanks in much part to a strong connection with his son and family. We also talk about the final process of retiring from the Navy as well as get into his experiences with PTSD and what his KB1 Foundation is all about. It's a little bit serious but with no shortage of fun.
Due to some technical glitches during the initial recording, this episode is made of take number 2 of one loooooong conversation with Andy but a very good one. Proud of his openness and honesty, and happy for having him on the show. More about Andy below, in case you forgot!
Kb1foundation on Facebook
Nothing's Off The Table Podcast:
Throwin' Down with Andy and Ricardo Podcast:
Andy Barker is coming up on a nearly 30 year career in the U.S. Navy and is trained as an Emergency Room Registered Nurse. He has seen, done and heard about more things than many people could think of. He's been stationed in Japan, he was on the USNS Mercy during the first Gulf War, Global War on Terror and Operation Enduring Freedom Philippines, and there he's responsible for a large team that report directly to him, and he will go to bat for anyone on his team.
Andy Barker is a family man who has and always will be there for his family. He has been by his father's side during illness and seen him making a recovery, up to the point of just before we recorded this podcast episode. He is based in Virginia but we spoke while he was in St. Louis with his parents after his father returned home from hospital.
Andy Barker is a fellow podcaster, and you can find links to his shows below here in the show notes. I still say after our chats, I think I taught him a thing or two about podcasting (what 'not' to do, ahem cough cough).
Andy Barker has a strong opinion and is proud of his work in the Navy. You will hear some strong opinions in this episode. Both he and I would welcome your feedback on anything discussed in this off the hook Part I of one more to come podcast with...Andy Barker!
Nothing's Off The Table Podcast:
Throwin' Down with Andy and Ricardo Podcast:
Music featured in the show by Matthew Johnston