
Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast with Chad Vice

I am Chad Vice, co-owner and operator of Championship Vinyl, an online record store. Lots of people are somebodies, and millions more are considered "nobodies". I want to bring you the stories of people of everyday and any day, because even if you think you are a nobody, you are always a somebody. The people I talk to are not famous, but they are all interesting characters. Every week, a new story, a new guest, a new friend. The Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast - listen for fun, hear for life!
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Real People With Real Stories

Thank you for listening to my podcast

May 6, 2019

Paul Star was born in Chisasibi, Quebec, Canada as Paul Napash, and he was a Music Industry Arts student at Ottawa's Algonquin College. Paul is a musician, singer, artist, songwriter, producer and certified engineer and is in the process of launching his new record label, PauStar Entertainment

Music has been in his family since he was born, having a father and uncle both as musicians, and playing for himself and for others has always been his passion. Proud of his native Cree heritage (he once had a band called 'Kree' in his early years), Paul talks about the changes he's seen in his community since he was a child and how Aboriginal communities have grown thanks to young entrepreneurs. PaulStar Entertainment has already begun building their roster of artists - who will be the next big thing?


Paul Napash Music:

PaulStar Entertainment on Facebook:

PaulStar- Be The One on ITunes





Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Nobodies Are Somebodies' from his album 'Wintersleep'


Apr 29, 2019

This is Dave Logan Part 2, and it is here where we get to the end of his career at the Ottawa Hospital, how that all went down and why. As well as talking about his first of many diagnosis by medical professionals. Dave tells all in this intense interview, detailing his attempted suicide and a manic episode that led him back to a near violent confrontation at his former place of work. Dave holds nothing back and gives lots of detail and insight, and we also talk about the one constant in his life: becoming a parent and just how much his daughter has seen him through the tough years to get him to today. But how does Dave feel about today? Listen up!







Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Nobodies Are Somebodies' from his album 'Wintersleep'

Apr 22, 2019

Dave Logan was a part of the 100th Live! episode mental health roundtable and we touched briefly on his story and some of his experiences during that time. Since then, Dave had expressed how much he enjoyed that opportunity and wanted to share his story in a one-on-one. Dave has been through a lot, many ups and downs and he holds nothing back in these interviews. 

Here is Part I where Dave discusses growing up in Frederick, NB, moving to Ottawa ON and those challenges with leaving friends and experiences behind and coming to a new culture, as well as entering a successful yet destructive career as a security member in the local hospital. This episode focuses on Dave'e early years and his career at the Ottawa Hospital, plus how his mental health was changing.






Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Nobodies Are Somebodies' from his album 'Wintersleep'

Apr 15, 2019

My guest is Logan Brown, a fellow podcaster, the host of his own Brown Sound Podcast, a show where he talks about whatever he feels like at that given moment. We discuss the right awesomeness of the music scene that is Kingston, Ontario Canada (where he originally grew up) as well as the ups and downs of creating and maintaining a podcast, to just plain old music and life talk! It's two dudes talking and you just happen to be listening. We talk pretty fast and pretty loose so try and hold on for the ride. LISTEN UP!

More about Logan:


Brown Sound Podcast:

Taylor Angus Band:




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Forest of Nowhere' from his album 'Wintersleep'

Apr 8, 2019

I'm speaking with Christina Ranieri and Vincent Bishop from Ability First Ottawa, a charity group in Ottawa Ontario Canada working to help those living with disabilities with getting services, lodging and helping caretakers when they are no longer able to care for their loved ones needs.

Christina was diagnosed with several learning disabilities and Vincent received an Asperger's diagnosis (now ASD) by finding paperwork himself on his diagnosis at the age of 18. Both Vincent and Christina are very open, honest, candid and real with their stories about who they are, who they are not, and what their accomplishments have been thus far. They are also discussing various stereotypes and boundaries that others have placed on them and how they educate people on living with different abilities.

A special shout-out to Crystaljoy Parman who was not able to appear with us on this episode but will be joining me on the show in the near future.


Ability First Ottawa


Ability First Ottawa on Facebook:


Vincent Bishop's AMBIGUOUS Album Release Show + Birthday Bash @ Fat Boy's

Vincent Bishop's Music:


Apr 1, 2019

Born in Louisiana and now living in Mississippi, 18 year old Trey Olds speaks from what seems like years and years of experience despite his youthful age and loves the entertainment business since he was a little one and continues to explore new territory and be the creative person he is.

Trey has high functioning autism, and he let's people know that he has autism but it does not define him. He advocates for people to be aware and they need to know more about it. There is no face of autism; everyone is different and he talks about a few instances where he's come in contact with people who have a different view of autism based on their own beliefs and [lack of] understanding

Trey discusses his work in voice acting, stage acting and his passion for radio broadcasting, interviewing celebrity guests and why he loves this business so much. Trey is inspiring to me, and I'm happy he reached out to me, to let me share some of his story with you right here


The Trey Olds Radio Show on Facebook:

The Trey Olds Radio Show on Spreaker:

Trey Olds' YouTube Channel:




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Interlude' from his album 'Wintersleep'



Mar 25, 2019

When you think of Australia what do you think of? Gorgeous beaches, crocodiles, and Steve Irwin... what about music? Or, How about rap music? Well, if you said no, that’s about to change! This week, I'm chatting with Mugzy, an Australian born and bred rap artist who is as equally talented as he is engaging. He shares his story and his music with me and you’re going to love both!


All about Mugzy:

Mugzy on ReverbNation:

Mar 18, 2019

What could possibly happen when you take a GoodFood menu box, 2 good friends and a good time Sunday afternoon? A great meal, that’s what! In this episode, myself and my good buddy Fred see what all the fuss is about regarding these popular meal service kits. They promise to be quick, delicious, and easy. So what’s the verdict? Tune in to find out! 

Let's Get Cookin'


Make Good Food:




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Army of Green Machines' from his album 'Wintersleep'

Mar 11, 2019

Life can be hard. The path we end up on, whether it’s where we want to be or not, isn’t easy. Sometimes things turn dark. Sometimes thing turn serious. And sometimes it’s hard to get out of those situations. This week, Jon shares his dark times with us and tells us how he was able to turn things around. This is as real as things can get.

Jon tells us all in his story and holds nothing back. Thank you for sharing with us and talking through the past that brings you to the bright future ahead!


Jon's first rap single on YouTube:

Jon's YouTube Channel:


Find Jon on Instagram:


Mar 4, 2019

Rachel Cogan is a strong advocate for the Keto Diet which has been around since the 1920s, but has become immensely popular in the last few years. She talks about how the diet has changed her life in a positive way and how quickly she saw the changes and benefits coming. It requires discipline and getting to know your own body but she has mastered it and is eager to share with one and all about what she has learned and what you can do to make a change now, for a better you and a better life!

We also get to know a bit about who Rachel is and what brought her to fitness being Honestly Keto. Thanks to Unpaid Promoter Maryse for joining in the conversation and getting lots of great information along the way

More about Rachel:

Honestly Keto Facebook Group:


Rachel C. - Keto Fit Fitness:

On Instagram:




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Wintersleep' from his album 'Wintersleep'


Feb 25, 2019

This week’s episode is a special one! It’s Prime Cuts: Listeners Choice Cuts. Some of our most loyal listeners (and some have been feature guests, too!) tell us all about their favourite episodes. You might be surprised at some of their choices. I know I was!

Much appreciation to Barb, Amanda, Chantal, Richard, Dave, Adan and Jaliyah for the trip down memory lane. Here’s hoping these are some of your faves too!





Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Nobodies Are Somebodies' from his album 'Wintersleep'


Feb 19, 2019

Kayleigh Styles is a creative and ambitious young lady, who’s already accomplished more in her 15 years than others in their entire lifetime. She’s a singer, a songwriter, and an actress. She shares with us her journey to where she is today and what’s been involved in getting her to this point. Spoiler: the industry isn’t as glamourous as we may think it is. You can check out some of her beautiful sounds on iTunes and Spotify. But first, listen to her here. I promise, you'll want to hear this!

Listen to Kayleigh with her dad go through some highlights of her young career, and shout out to her awesome mom as well!!


Kayleigh Styles on YouTube:


Kayleigh Styles Music on Spotify:




Music by Matthew Johnston

Feb 12, 2019

This episode was recorded Live at the Elmvale Acres Library during a round table discussion on mental health featuring a panel of former guests Shawna Robinson, Matthew Johnston and Katya, as well as featuring new attendee Dave Logan to discuss their thoughts, feelings and personal experiences with mental health and the stigmas and labels that come with them. Co hosted with my good buddy Fred, shout outs also go to Unpaid Agent Denise and Unpaid Promoter Maryse for helping to produce the live show on Facebook on the Nobodies Are Somebodies page, as well as audio and video. If you missed the live video of this special 100th episode, head on over to the Facebook page any time to check it out!


Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast on Facebook:



Music by Matthew Johnston

Feb 4, 2019

Welcome to Season 3 of the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast, and it's going to be a season of change! A little update here and there and some new opportunities and of course, new guests! Episode 99 right here right now is no exception, as I feature the brand new Arts & Entertainment, based in Ottawa with events coming in multiple cities in the U.S. and Canada, the company is known as STERCES!

STERCES is Secrets spelled backwards, and I'm chatting with Geoff, Keith and Mr. Happy from the company who are telling me and you, only what we need to know about their promotions and events. How it formed, how the guys met, what their plans are for the future. The rest as they say, is a STERCES!


Sterces Facebook Page for all the information that you are ALLOWED to know:


Jan 28, 2019

Christelle is a new Canadian, arriving here from South Africa in 2017. Since that time, she uses words like 'amazing' and 'shocked' a lot because they refer to how she and her young family feels not only with the culture differences, but the overall warmth and generosity of the people here. Christelle will tell us all in very clear terms why life here for her and her family is safer than the life she's known for the last 10 years, and I'm very proud to present her story for the first time 


Bell Let's Talk Day Videos:




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Jacob's Song' from his album 'Wintersleep'

Jan 21, 2019

Amanda Prairie-Lee is the winner of the Nobodies Are Somebodies podcast Spotify Premium contest, and she talks about how excited she was to win, thanks to Google Automated Number Generator! But that cold hard fact can't spoil her excitement as we dig deeper into who Amanda is and where she comes from, which happens to be Thunder Bay, Ontario. She talks about working in the factories in her younger years, moving to Maryland for love and marriage, having a now teenage son who is dealing with many challenges and the happy life they have for themselves. We also cannot help but chat about her very special car that she drives and why it means so much to her. This is Amanda, WINNER!!


Sea Cadets for Youth:


Chad Vice and the Nobodies are Somebodies Podcast are finalists for the best Podcast/Podcaster award with Faces Magazine Ottawa. Voting is on now and runs through to January 25th 2019 by following the link below. Vote often!

Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Nobodies Are Somebodies'

Jan 15, 2019

Alissa Kostyk is my guest this week, and she has had quite the professional career that started in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, and has taken her to Indiana and now Florida, her current state of residence. I ask her about how she got from point A to point Z and all in between, and we also find out what the slogan 'Your Ride to Pride' means. Cousin of my unpaid agent Denise, I plan to meet her in person at some point to hear all about the woman she is, but for now, it's all professional! Recorded over Skype, it's a return to the longer style interviews that have been absent as of late. My thanks to Alissa for her openness and to Denise for making it happen

Chad Vice and the Nobodies are Somebodies Podcast are finalists for the best Podcast/Podcaster award with Faces Magazine Ottawa. Voting is on now and runs through to January 25th 2019 by following the link below. Vote often!




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his brand new original song 'Start Something' from his new studio album Wintersleep


Jan 8, 2019

Recorded LIVE on location at the Pour Boy in Ottawa Ontario Canada, this episode features music and some interviews during many times former guest Jason Lacombe's LoneWolf Productions Night of the Blue Moon bash held this past January 5th, 2019. The first of his company's events for 2019, myself and unpaid agent Denise were on hand to record some of the music (to debut on the Nobodies Radio Station) as well as interviews with one of the DJs performing and the man Jason himself. Check out video of this podcast recording over on the Nobodies Are Somebodies Facebook page, as well as video of some of the sets over on the Sebcamco - Championship Vinyl Facebook page, and don't forget to say hello to some of the performers and LoneWolf Productions by visiting the links below!






Dec 31, 2018

It's New Year's Eve 2018, and the close of another year and we are on the home stretch for Season 2 of the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast and heading into Season 3 at the end of January. Until then: HeroMario Gaming returns to announce the winner of the Spotify Premium contest that closed this past December 16th and also talk a bit about what he is doing gamer wise in 2019. A quick episode recorded while I'm out of town in Beachburg, my home village, visiting family, and I hope you are enjoying the time with your loved ones this Holiday Season. Thanks for listening!





Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his brand new original song 'Lord Why' from his forthcoming as of yet untitled new studio album

Dec 25, 2018

It's Christmas Eve 2018 and I am happy to be hanging out with you and have you listening to my podcast, it's been a pretty incredible year with memorable guests and some interesting conversations, as well as attending some special events. More to come in 2019 as we roll out some new promotional items, new features and of course more guests. But before all that happens let's stop and give thanks and just enjoy what the Holidays are meant to be about. Family, Friends, and Presents  HAHAHA, er, HO HO HO.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours, and here's to a great New Year!


More About the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast:





Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his brand new original song 'Interlude' from his forthcoming as of yet untitled new studio album


Dec 17, 2018

Me (Chad Vice), Good Buddy Fred, The Chevrolet Bruise, and an empty parking lot where a Sears used to be. That's all you need to have a good podcast episode. At least I hope so, because that's all we've got for this episode, so tell me it works!

My sometimes co-host Fred C. sits with me in my beloved Chevrolet Bruise and we chat about what he has been up to, his upcoming Christmas 2018 plans, what a typical day for him is like, and of course, our upcoming show seeing SLAYER at the CTC Arena in Ottawa, Canada, coming up in May 2019. It's a show about nothing, and sometimes those are the best kind!


 Find the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast on Discord:



Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his brand new original song 'Gently Pushed Around' from his forthcoming as of yet untitled new studio album

Dec 10, 2018

Mr. Derrick was introduced to me as someone who would be able to provide a splendidly talented voice over for my Nobodies Radio Station on Internet radio, and in his home studio outside of Ottawa, Canada, he recorded several radio IDs and bumpers for me. I thought Derrick had quite the unique voice and a certain mystique about him, so I asked him to sit down with me for a one on one chat to find out more about him. I will say - he is quite the animated character!




Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his brand new original song 'I Will Get Through This' from his forthcoming as of yet untitled new studio album

Dec 3, 2018

In this episode, myself and former many-times guest Shawna Robinson debate topics imagined by my unpaid agent Denise and we really go for it. It was recorded live as is with minimal editing, so what you hear is what you get. Sorry! 

Thanks to Denise for moderating the episode and for Shawna and I no longer being friends and my thanks to Matthew Johnston for providing a brand new, exclusive track to the podcast, called of course, 'Nobodies Are Somebodies'!



Matthew Johnston's albums on SoundCloud:

Nov 19, 2018

Matthew Johnston's music takes him on a journey of faith and deals with a period of psychosis in his life and the strength he finds now to rise above it, and more so, that keeps him grounded when he feels life is slipping.

Proud husband and father, Matthew and I used to work together in what seems like another lifetime ago. We reconnected late last year and during the time I found about his music and was more than happy to share it on my shows, and more importantly, he was willing to let me share it. Through that I had to know who the man had become in the 7+ years that we lost touch. What I found can't be covered in one podcast episode. His latest album 'Out of My Mind and Back In Again' itself deals with a lot of the content on this episode, from being on the verge of losing his reality to coming out on the other side with new hope and new ideas. Matthew shares where he has been and where he is going, and I just like you will when listening to this episode, learned even more about him just be letting him talk in an open mic.

And he also shared a very cool acoustic set of his most favorite tracks, all recorded in one take in my Chevrolet Bruise the day before Halloween. Check the video of his set on the SebCamCo TV YouTube channel link below, as well as more links about Matthew's music. Enjoy the show!


Matthew's Acoustic Set Live:


Matthew Johnston's albums on SoundCloud:


Matthew Johnston's YouTube Channel:




 Find the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast on Discord:

Nov 12, 2018

On September 21st, 2018, a devastating tornado ripped through parts of communities in the greater Ottawa, Ontario areas, such as the town of Dunrobin and the Quebec city of Gatineau, destroying people's homes, property, businesses, schools and more. Several people were left without shelter and and many more without power, some areas almost a whole week without. Warnings came but in this part of the country, actual tornadoes are few and far between, and unfortunately, most were caught unprepared. 

To date only one life was claimed. The damages in certain areas is extensive and the next year to year+ will be spent rebuilding and regrouping. 

Former podcast guest, also, model, musician, actress and magpie herself Penelope Goranson pulled together some contacts she made in the biz and secured the Live on Elgin venue on Elgin Street in downtown Ottawa to host a disaster relief benefit concert on Halloween night to raise funds, awareness, love and support for all those affected and for people to come to have a good time and support the people who needed our help now more than ever. The NAS podcast was happy to be invited down to record and enjoy the event, and I was lucky to be able to secure some superb chats with some of the talent and organizers on hand that night. From our loud conversations in Live on Elgin lounge, this episode are their stories


Dunrobin Go Fund Me Disaster Relief Donation Page:

Ben's Motel and the Guru Rebels Performing Live!

Ted Adler's Sound Decisions Studio on Facebook:

Interlangues Language School on Facebook:

LIVE on Elgin:

Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'Set Me Free'

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