So nice we did it twice. What? I say, so nice was Vice that we had to speak to Dan Emery twice. Actually, Dan's episode was recorded all at one time a few weeks prior when myself and sometimes co-host good buddy Fred sat down to grill Dan on his life and his experiences, and as we heard (and you should have too!) from last week Dan has a great story to share and the gift of gab to back it up! Here Dan takes through his last couple years in the Hospital Security department, his eventual jump to a more comfortable role in Housekeeping and how his now house of teen boys and girls are changing, while keeping up with it all and being a devoted husband and loving dad. This is Part II of Dan Emery, but surely not where the story ends!
Since Dan has nothing to promote, this is where I will plug Nobodies Radio Station: Heavy Rock Radio
Nobodies Radio Station: Heavy Rock Radio:
Music featured on this episode by Matthew Johnston, featuring his original song 'One Last Time' from his latest album 'Son, Pray' available now!