Not for the faint of heart or ears, this solo interview with Eric V. (I mean, without his wife) has definitely got a good story in here somewhere, but reads like a random thought blog on the life and times of Eric Villeneuve, the man behind his ECV Photography business. Eric discusses more of his family drama and dynamics in this 1st of 2 part episode, it was so much that we couldn't contain it all in just one.
Originally it was just going to be a one-off episode for now, as he was late for a meeting with a client and had to leave the studio, so we couldn't talk for long; however, Eric reached out to me after the
recording of the show and asked to come back the following week and finish it off. How could I say no to that?
So we recorded this over a couple of weeks, and Eric's commentary and opinions are all his and as biting as ever. We talk about
his family and his time living on the streets and in a men's shelter, at the tender age of 15! His time living in a men's shelter has Eric discussing a shocking incident that occurred that nearly ended his life and has forever changed him. All this and more than you can stand, it is time for Part 1 with Mr. ECV